Lockheed Martin Corporation


Lockheed Martin to Partner in American Indian Business Development

The United Indian Development Association (UIDA) Consulting Group, Inc. and Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company will work as partners to establish an American Indian Business Procurement and Technical Assistance Center. The new office in Marietta, Ga. opened Oct. 1, 2000.

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics provided an in-kind match for office space, equipment and coordination support that enabled the UIDA Consulting Group, Inc. to apply for funding through the U.S. Department Of Defense Logistics Agency.

"We were pleased to provide this in-kind contribution," said Lee Rhyant, Vice President and Site General Manager for Lockheed Martin's Marietta operations. "This new office will facilitate East Coast activities for UIDA Consulting Group's Procurement and Technical Assistance Center in support of tribal business in the South and East."

The UIDA Consulting Group, Inc., a separate corporation and subsidiary of the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development, was incorporated in 1985. Since then, UIDA Consulting Group has provided industry specific assistance to help create and expand tribal enterprises through programs such as the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and the development of joint-venture models that have been used by tribes as a guide for developing joint-venture businesses.

"As we enter the 21st century, we see our alliance with Lockheed Martin as a great opportunity for all involved," said Ray Brown, president of the Board of Directors for UIDA Consulting Group. "We will deliver capable, quality- oriented suppliers to contribute to the world's most advanced aircraft products industry leader. By establishing an office within the Eastern area of the United States, we will be in a better position to address the marketing and procurement needs of American Indian business owners and tribal enterprises located in that region."

The services provided will be highly specialized and at no cost to Indian businesses or tribal enterprises. Professional assistance will consist of outreach and counseling designed to meet the needs of reservation-based small American Indian owned businesses and tribal enterprises. The office is located at 430 Commerce Park Drive SE 4th Floor, Marietta, Georgia 30060. For more information contact UIDA Consulting Group Project Director Tyler McGhee at 800-462-2433 or 770-494-0117.

SOURCE: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

Contact: Peter Simmons of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company,
770-494-6208, or peter.e.simmons@lmco.com

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